You can use CloudKit JavaScript for accessing url of asset. Here is an example;
(Used Alamofire and SwiftyJSON)
func testRecordRequest() -> Request {
let urlString = "" + Constants.container + "/development/public/records/query?ckAPIToken=" + Constants.cloudKitAPIToken
let query = ["recordType": "TestRecord"]
return Alamofire.request(.POST, urlString, parameters: ["query": query], encoding: .JSON, headers: nil)
JSON response contains a “downloadURL” for the asset.
"downloadURL": "${f}?o=AmVtU..."
”${f}” seems like a variable so change it to anything you like.
let downloadURLString = json["fields"][Keys.image]["value"]["downloadURL"].stringValue
let recordName = json["recordName"].stringValue
let fileName = recordName + ".jpg"
let imageURLString = downloadURLString.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("${f}", withString: fileName)
And now we can use this urlString to create a NSURL and use it with any image&cache solutions such as Kingfisher, HanekeSwift etc. (You may also want to save image type png/jpg)